Most applicants not qualified
You might see 100,1000 but not many applicants will get a phone call.
Only like 5% will be qualified.
The resume is your first impression
You really only have 5 seconds to wow people.
The most qualified doesn’t always get hired
If you have good interview skills, you can convince a team that you’re a better fit. You just need to make people like you.
Decisions are usually made in the first 10 mins
It’s usually after the second or third questions that they will decide.
Asking questions at the end doesn’t really do anything
You can’t impress people like this.
But you can just ask great questions during interviews. Try to ask early so you can fit early. (People don’t move you back to the YES bucket)
The salary question isn’t a trick
Do your homework and try to answer it.
You can still be rejected even if a recruiter likes you
Unresponsive hiring managers cause most delays
Long delays are not a positive sign
It shows that you’re not a good fit. They are interviewing other people or maybe undecided.
11 Job Interview Secrets Recruiters Won’t Tell You - Interviewing Tips!