Khoa Nguyen
Pressure creates diamonds

Sharp Axe Method

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What is the Sharp Axe Method?

Doing the right work upfront -> preparing correctly -> so you can save time in the long run.

Having the correct mindset -> reduce the chance of getting OVERWHELMED.

Step 1: Clean your environment

Take control of your life first, make sure everything is in order.

Physical environment: Clean your desk, do some box breathing

Digital environment: Clear up your desktop, exit every programs, tabs on your computer, delete social media apps on your phone.

Step 2: Brain dump

Put your thoughts into the page, make a list of everthing you need to do, no order required. Something like:

  • Take out the trash
  • Fix the logo
  • Change the color
  • Remove unused components

Step 3: Categorize the todo list

Use Eisenhower matrix:

  • Do the task (very important, very urgent)
  • Delete (not important, not urgent)
  • Schedule (very important, not urgent)
  • Delegate (very urgent, not important)

Think about: what one thing, if done, would make everything else on this list easier.

Or lookalike group: if a bunch of things that have the same vibe or can all be done on computer, group them.

Step 4: Schedule

Start sticking your tasks on a calendar.

Rule 1: Don’t schedule anything that will take less than two minutes; simply do it.

Rule 2: Plan visually.

Rule 3: List the non-movable calendar dates first. (Deadlines, Holidays, Birthdays)

Rule 4: Double the time you estimate. If you estimate a work would take four hours, you should allocate eight.

Rule 5: List your tasks on your calendar in order of importance.

Rule 6: Be extremely specific when describing what needs to be done.

Rule 7: If something seems impossible, consider how it might appear if it were simple. Plan accordingly then.

Rule 8: Plan for average me, not me at my best.

Rule 9: Concentrate on finishing one activity at a time.

Rule 10: Good plan = Flexible plan. Be prepared to change everything.

Step 5: Communicate

Before you start any work, you should try communicate to stakeholders. If you’re late on something, give your stakeholder a specific date.

Step 6: JUST DO IT

The only way to chop a tree… is to start chopping.


  • Design Thinking
  • Usability
  • Accessibility
  • Information Architecture
  • Wireframe
  • Responsive Design